How to create a simple junk removal checklist.
If you are like many people you may put off removing junk from your home or office. But before you call a junk removal company or borrow a friends truck, you may want to do some pre-work. It all depends on what you’re trying to dispose of: household junk removal, yard waste removal, trash removal, renovation waste, and more.
The following Junk removal Check List attempts to address all of these junk removal needs types.
Junk has many forms. It could be a bunch of old broken equipment in your garage. It may the entire garage crammed with old furniture or other junk. It may be bags of leaves or an entire tree that has fallen due to the wind. Whatever has happened, there’s a way to dispose of it.
If you are like many people you may put off removing junk from your home or office. But before you call a junk removal company, you may want to do some pre-work. It all depends on what you’re trying to dispose of: household junk removal, yard waste removal, trash removal, renovation waste, and more.
The following list attempts to address all of these junk removal needs types.
Junk has many forms. It could be a bunch of old broken equipment in your garage. It may the entire garage crammed with old furniture or other junk. It may be bags of leaves or an entire tree that has fallen due to the wind. Whatever has happened, there’s a way to dispose of it.
1. Make a complete list of the items you need to be removed

Some items can be recycled. Others can be placed in your Green Recycle Bin if there is room. Someone in need may find a use for your items. A complete list also helps your junk removal team to determine a quote for their services when on the phone or on site.
2. Consider the value of your Junk
Everything you need to be removed is not junk. Many renovation waste items, such as light fixtures, antique hinges and handles and even old, knobs, all have a value to collectors and builders. If you have time and energy post to classifieds, eBay, or if you think you need to have a professional value your item, there are a few options to getting some pocket money out of your ‘junk’.
3. Decide what to keep toss and donate
. Don’t donate items that are broken or don’t function properly.
4. De-clutter the closet
Give away unworn clothing and extra household items. If you have not used it in over a year, it is not worth space and may not ever use it. If you’re going to pay for a junk removal, you may as well get rid of as much as you can at the same time.
5. Check with your Insurance provider
Sure, you are responsible for normal waste but there are times when certain junk removal costs may be covered, such as damage caused by a storm or flood. Check with your agent and see what they can do for you. Junk removal checklist.
6. Stay calm
Junk removal can be a very emotional issue; there are professionals there to help you. You may as well benefit from their services. Junk removal pricing is affordable for most people and saves you time and effort.
7. Call for a quote
Once you’ve decided what goes and what stays and you have reviewed your Junk removal Check List just call your local junk hauler (if you are in the Portland, Vancouver area give Junk It Junk Removal a call at 503-256-6276 to take care of your unwanted items. Get to learn more with our blog!